Producer extraordinaire, MD's own Tokyo Cigar, presents "Constant," featuring Substantial and Irish vocalist Tanya Denise. This international collaboration crafted by Tokyo Cigar is dedicated to true love, set over...
Chris Rivers and Cory Gunz get lyrical over Brand Nubian's 'All For One'. Both of their pops were two of...
MIC HANDZ "STREET REGULATOR" PROD. BY RAN REED Mic Handz is known in the streets as a part of Boot Camp...
This collabo from maticulous - "That Ain't U" ft Rock (Heltah Skeltah) & Guilty Simpson, takes shots at all the phonys,...
Substantial & Algorythm: Always 00:00 Lasting Impression (feat. Wayna) 04:08 Black of All Trades 08:04 Tony Stanza (feat. Tonedeff & Marcus D) 13:10 Cool...