January 20, 2025

MCMI REPORT: Sadat X & Will Tell – How To Open A Bottle of Champagne With A Saber (TWC – Season 5 Ep-5)

True Wine Connoisseurs

TRUE WINE CONNOISSEURS – Season 5 – Episode 5

Wow, when Will Tell and Sadat X first got together to do a True Wine Connoisseurs video for Youtube, I bet you they never thought they would get so many views, eventually create their own brand of wine, which does extremely well by the way (it is always sold out whenever I try to get some).

Millions of views and 5 Seasons later, True Wine Connoisseurs is still entertaining as hell to watch! Sadat X is a funny dude. He also has a fly way of speaking which is part of what makes his records so special. Whether with Brand Nubian or on his own solo material, the Wild Cowboy has a way with words that is truly original, can’t be duplicated (no Bronson) and is instantly recognizable.

TWC laughing

What I didn’t know was that Sadat X has an affinity for Chinese sabers, just like me (I have 2 of them, about to cop two more, but that’s a story for another day). When I saw the youtube video I did a double take – was Sadat X holding a saber? What the –? Was he about to do Kung Fu? I had to see what was going on. Well, it turns out the video shows us how to open up a bottle of Champagne with a saber. Why? Because its some fly sh*t, that’s why!

TWC wine“What’s a better way to open it for your lady, than like that?” Sadat asks, after his Wine bottle chopping “Sifu” Sean Cummings (Head Sommelier at Nice Matin NYC), deftly slices off the top of a champagne bottle with the sword. “If somethin’ don’t happen that night, then your whole game is off.” he jokes, before trying the move himself.

Just to be clear, this is not a method of removing the cork from the bottle. It actually chops off the top of the neck of the bottle, cork, glass and all, in one clean motion. You can then pour your glasses of Champagne, but do NOT try to drink form the bottle. You will cut your lips.

Like they say “Kids, don’t try this at home,” but if you are adults … yeah you can go ahead and try it – at your own risk of course –  if you happen to have a Chinese saber lying around, heh heh.

Okay, it wouldn’t be right to blog about Sadat X and not let you hear some of what made him famous in the first place so here, take a listen to his freestyle on Sway in the Morning from 2012. This man is an MC’s MC. A street poet. To this day. Salute!

@GMS_MCMI | @MCMIreport | @SadatX | @SeanSommNYC | @TilliamWell

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