December 19, 2024

MCMI RADIO: Real Hip Hop. Real Talk. “Best of …” (Ep 8)

MCMI RADIO LOGOReal Hip Hop. Real Talk.

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FRIDAY August 10, 2012

Hosted by GMS
Co-hosted by LR Blitzkrieg

MCMI RADIO Ep 8 Photostrip
GMS, Blitzkrieg, PackFM, WordsWorth, Substantial, Poison Pen

Photos & Description after the jump.

We finally felt we had enough episodes in the can to go through and pull out dope segments that many people might have missed when they aired originally, so we put together this “Best of” episode. We actually have had 7 broadcasts to date, but we only used material from the first 4. There was just too much good stuff we wanted to “re-Share” with y’all! That means that sometime in the future, when we don’t have a guest, we can air a second “Best of MCMI RADIO” episode for you.

This one features interesting conversations (and arguments, lol) with GMS, LR Blitzkrieg, PackFM, Wordsworth, Substantial, MrMecc & Poison Pen! Tune in Friday nights to hear us live, or listen to the archives at

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