March 18, 2025

Fresh Daily: Live at the Loft

Fresh DailyLast month, when prophets of Doom swore the world was coming to an end, the Live At The Loft crew chose Fresh Daily and Sucio Smash to feature that night. Ejoy the live performances and Interviews of Fresh Daily as he and Smash rock joints off his latest release “The Quiet Life” (Highwater Music).

Fresh was asked if the world does come to an end, are you happy with the life you’ve led thus far? Do you have any regrets? I won’t tell you his answer, watch the video, but that is always a great question to ask one’s self on any day, because as Mos Def said on Umi Says, “Tomorrow may never come, in this world life is not promised.” Truer words were never spoken. That’s why it is always best to stay fresh, daily. (See what I did there?)

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