March 11, 2025

Film School w/ R.A. The Rugged Man (Summer Film Session) [Video]

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RA the Rugged Man has been doing these video vignettes, making fun of movies, talking about which starlets he wants to impregnate and so on, for The reviews aren’t really serious, but very entertaining (think “Sean Price Reviews Black Swan“).

One thing I noticed as I watched these is as each episode goes by, RA gets more conservative. He has gotten slimmer, shaped up his beard and is even wearing 3 piece suits, fedora and everything! Does this mean he is all grown up, mature and sensible? No. In his reviews he is still the same loveable, ingnorant, piece of shit we have grown accustomed to over the years. Hey, if the formula works, don’t change it! But he has lost a lot of weight. If you passed him in the street, you might not even recognize him.

@RAtheRuggedMan | @GMS_MCMI | @MCMIreport

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