March 11, 2025

Audible Doctor: “F.U.B.U.” Feat. Von Pea (Of Tanya Morgan) [AUDIO]

The Audible Doctor (of The Brown Bag AllStars) and Von Pea (of Tanya Morgan) have teamed up over Marink’s soulful production to bring you “F.U.B.U”, the newest leak off Audible Doctor’s upcoming FREE EP. The subject matter of this one hits too close to home for me, about struggling to become relevant when everyone in the audience is basically your friends, crew and true supporters. If we are to advance in the game we need to constantly build new supporters, gain new fans and reach different audiences. Von Pea and Audible Doc spit truth ’til it hurts on this one. Can’t be mad at that. Edutainment for real.

The Full EP titled “I Think That…” is set to drop September 25th.

Follow: @AudibleDoctor | @GMS_MCMI | @MCMIreport

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